Selasa, 18 Agustus 2020

The Host

St Augustine's church Rumney, Cardiff                                                                                                                               Source: Twitter @CATACymru . Jul 17

There was a time in the Church in Wales when the the Host had nothing to to do with advancing secular causes. Male and female, gay and straight went to church as the Body of Christ even if in many parts.

Today the Church in Wales 'hosts' secular minority causes such as feminism and homosexuality from St Asaph in the North to Rumney in the South. The latest group to have their cause taken up by the secular elite known in Wales as the bench of bishops is Changing Attitude Trawsnewid Agwedd Cymru. Their goal, "full inclusion & equality of opportunity for LGBTQIA people in the Church in Wales & the Anglican Communion".

Given the prominence of gays in the church, 'inclusion & equality' has to be taken to mean dominance since their very presence at all levels proves that they are anything but excluded. The Archbishop of Wales is so keen on advancing the homosexual cause that he hoped that he would be able to consecrate a gay bishop before consecrating a woman bishop.

So absurd has this campaign become that while cancer sufferers have to beg for treatment which costs 43 pence, the Government chooses to offer gay men a daily pill costing £400 a month to support their life style.

As a gay recipient put it, "I've seen the panic on the face of previous boyfriends when they are awaiting their [HIV test] results - it's a huge fear and it affects everything you do. To be able to have sex without having that fear hanging over you all the time is huge."

Welcome to the gay church of Wales - unless you are in the minority struggling to keep the faith.

There is no 'inclusion & equality' for you.

Postscript [11.12.2016]

Readers clicking on the 'hosts' link in paragraph 2 will note that viewing the Iris Prize documentaryAll One in Christ is now confined to a private audience. An extract can be seen in a BBC clip here.

Given the purpose of the film was to educate people about the way gay people have been "ostracised and mistreated because of their sexuality" the exercise seems to have lost its point. As Dr Morgan put it, "I hope this powerful film will bring home to all the scale of the damage done and ultimately help change attitudes within the church." This farce indicates that his starting point should be with the Bench.

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