Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2020

Islam and the Church

The Barnabas Fund recently published an Editorial: 'Can the Church survive the Islamist onslaught?' The article says that in 2017 Christians can expect to face five major challenges to their freedom of religion:

  • Widespread religious cleansing,
  • The formal spread of sharia enforcement,
  • The spread of violence to enforce sharia,
  • Christian refugees unseen, ignored and targeted by Islamists, and
  • The West’s loss of its own Judaeo-Christian values.

Christianity is experiencing a major dilema. As Christianity is being wiped out in many countries abroad, religious leaders in Great Britain continue to cosy up to Muslims in the mistaken belief that they can encourage better relations between Christianity and Islam even though Islam completely rejects basic Christian beliefs.

As explained for theCranmer Blog by the Rev’d Dr Gavin Ashenden, Chaplain to the Queen, the latest Anglican gaff took place during the Eucharist in Glasgow's Scottish Episcopal Cathedral Church of St Mary the Virgin when a reading from the Quran was included in the liturgy. Dr Ashden has been interviewed on Anglican Unscripted (AU) where he gives a clear explanation of the problems facing Christianity today, not only from Islam but from the liberal Left.

This is not about hating Muslims as explained here. It is about recognising that Christians are being led astray while Muslims seeking salvation are being denied the truth.

The AU video should be compulsory viewing for clerics, especially trendy liberals.

Postscript [15.01.2017]

Glasgow Quran Reading: Scottish Episcopal Church 'Deeply Distressed At Offence' Caused.

Postscript [23.01.2017]

Why I've resigned as Chaplain to the Queen - Dr Gavin Ashenden in Premier Christianity.

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