Senin, 17 Agustus 2020

Not a real Christian

An early Christmas for the Archbishop of Wales with all candles lit.             Source: Church in Wales

In his last Christmas message before he is forced to retire on age grounds the Archbishop of Wales has taken the opportunity to ridicule the President-elect of the United States for not being a real Christian "since Christians were people who built bridges, not walls".

Dr Morgan was referring to an observation by Pope Francis but the irony of his comment will not be lost on readers who came to the conclusion many years ago that Dr Morgan has been anything but a bridge builder in his own, depleted church.

Previously trailed to little avail on Twitter you can read Dr Morgan's Christmas message here.

"All are welcome" to attend Llandaff Cathedral on Christmas Day at 11am when  the Archbishop is preaching. There should be plenty of room.

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