Rabu, 06 Januari 2021

The selfish selfie

I am disappointed to say the least by the attitude to the coming General Election of Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Nationalist Party. More than enough blood has been shed, including the blood of my own kinsmen, in the making of the Union to see it unpicked for party political advantage.

There is something distinctly unpleasant about a politician who wants to be a foreigner in a United dismembered Kingdom while expecting to call the tune in British politics. By all means have a strong voice in devolved government but the current scheming is a disservice to our United Kingdom. The vote for independence was lost but minorities are never satisfied no matter what the cost.

The Scottish people like the rest of the United Kingdom should make a clear choice for the government of the United Kingdom leaving nationalism to devolved government but the way things are we have the ludicrous situation of the "two-faceddanquot; Sun backing the SNP in Scotland and the Tories elsewhere. How very Murdoch!

The choice is clear, vote for strong government to avoid minorities calling the tune. One only has to look to the Anglican Church in Great Britain to see the chaos that has been caused by the tail constantly wagging the dog in England and Wales.

Update - the hidden agenda [05.05.2015]

From HeraldScotland: "Leaders of Glasgow anti-Labour demo suspended by SNP".

After denying that hardline nationalists organised the angry protest which forced Jim Murphy and comic Eddie Izzard to cut short a rally in Glasgow city centre, two members have now been suspended by the SNP. A group of around 20 demonstrators, drawn from different fringe groups, had disrupted the street rally.

"One of the suspended, Piers Doughty Brown, a self-style 'anti-austerity' campaigner, and James Scott, the leader of a fringe nationalist group called Scottish Resistance, had their membership of the SNP withdrawn after pictures emerged of the pair with Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond".

Scottish Resistance is "part of an alliance of nationalist groupings committed to overthrowing "British imperialism" and advancing "the cause of independence".

Nicola Sturgeon said the appalling scenes on the streets of Glasgow were nothing to do with the SNP:

"What happened yesterday was the ugly face of nationalism". Quite so.

Update - SNP threat [07.05.2015]

Police Scotland have issued nationwide warnings amid fears of 'threatening behaviour' from firebrand SNP supporters. Story here.

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