Selasa, 05 Januari 2021

"A force for good"

The Prime Minister is a communications man through and through. He has the ability to turn just about any event to his political advantage. His Easter message was an example of words that few could disagree with and no doubt earned him some useful votes.

Christian reality was better expressed by the Archbishop of Canterbury when he dismissed the Prime Minister's "why-can?T-we-all-get-alongdanquot; brand of Christianity as "moral claptrapdanquot;. See also "David Cameron's wonky cross"here.

From 'Citizen Go': "With an ever-growing list of threats to religious freedom at home, including attacks on the ethos of faith-based schools and assaults on the freedom of conscience, especially as pertains to the living of one's faith in and outside the workplace, British Christians need the support of the new Conservative Government to protect their right to have a different point of view and way of life where faith and morals are concerned." The Prime Minister is in a position to put his words into action. 'Citizen Go' has launched a Petition for Protection of Religious Freedom and Freedom of Conscience. You can help to reach their goal of 5,000 signatures by signing their petitionhere. (H/T Anglican Mainstream).

The "why-can?T-we-all-get-alongdanquot; brand of Christianity is a real threat. It is the basis of many 'anything goes so long as we are happy' comments which have been received but not published because they are wholly anonymous or are linked to gay and commercial sites for advertising purposes - see Introductory notes in the right-hand column.

Loving one another is at the heart of Christianity but there is more to being a Christian than that.

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