Sabtu, 14 November 2020

Hope for England!

Splendid news for traditionalists with the announcement from the Diocese of Chichester that the Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner is to be the next Bishop of Chichester.

In the statement Dr Warner is described as "a traditionalist who has worked resolutely in recent years to encourage provision in which people of all integrities can remain together". Surely that is how it should be, echoing the sentiments of the former Archbishop of York Dr David Hope. Archbishop Rowan Williams has shown the same integrity. Only inWales has this been lost.

As the Church of England considers the next stage in the Women Bishops saga let us pray that even at this late hour, a way can be found for people of all integrities to remain together and follow Christ in good conscience.


Clearly generosity of the Spirit is too much for Women and the Church (WATCH) to stomach. In response to the appointment of Dr Warner, their Chair the Rev'd Rachel Weir is reported to havesaid: "The decision to appoint another diocesan bishop to Chichester who will not ordain women will cause widespread disappointment throughout the diocese and across the rest of the Church of England". If as Dr Hope remarked, there is "no place for discourtesy, aggression, and even abuse" towards women who have been ordained, should not the same courtesy apply in the opposite direction?

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