Rabu, 03 Maret 2021

Faith by numbers

The Lord Bishop of Oxford has been looking at figuresagain. Not filling Church of England schools with Muslims this time but looking forward to having the first woman bishop in his county.

He said "I am delighted we have got to this stage. We have had women deacons and priests for the last 17 years and it?S absolutely logical if we have women as deacons and priests we should also be able to have them as bishops." Faith by numbers. The illogical agenda of terbaru bishops which has virtually destroyed the Anglican Church as we knew it has nothing to do with the faith of the early church, tiny, determined, believing in the example set by Christ. It spreads secularism in stages so that it looks perfectly natural. Natural because the church is viewed by most people from a secular perspective seeing people in the workplace with leaders dressed up to give them a stature they would not otherwise enjoy.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36

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