Rabu, 08 Juli 2020

Prophets of doom

Andrew Neil and Anna Soubry
Credit: BBC

"We're doomed, doomed" became the catch phrase of Private Fraser in Dad's Army, the TV comedy hit about the Home Guard defending Britain in our hour of need.

Fast forward to 2016, enter Anna Soubry  HM Government's Small Business Minister offering similar sentiments in the wake of the decision of the British people to govern their own affairs: "This is a dreadful day, on two fronts. A dreadful day for our economy and I think it’s also a dreadful day for our country."

Andrew Neil rebuked her: "Is it wise to say it?S a dreadful day as a business minister? To talk it down?"

Earlier we had been treated to the spectacle of the weary looking Member for Leicester East, Keith Vaz, with a face having the appearance of a slapped plaice: "The EU referendum result is a "crushing decision" which will have catastrophic consequences for the UK and the EU". Always eager to offer his opinion whether invited or not Vaz added, "This is a crushing, crushing decision. It's a terrible day for Britain, and a terrible day for Europe with immense consequences. In 1,000 years I would never have believed the British people would have voted in this way and they have done so - I think emotionally rather than looking at the facts. It will be catastrophic". Clearly not a suitable candidate for any negotiating team.

I had retired early on Friday morning in the belief that Remain had secured the victory they so desperately wanted by whatever means. Amber Rudd MP was gloating over their presumed success. But one result was not as expected. Could this be a re-run of the General Election results? Yes it was. Rising early I switched on the TV to hear that Remain had lost. A horrified Amber Rudd was in retreat, probably regretting her personal attacks on Boris Johnson, possibly the next Tory leader.

On retiring I had planned to write a piece expressing relief that Remain had won, not that I had changed my views, but out of sympathy for the many young people who wanted to remain. After all, it is their future. But having listened to their reasons such as wanting to travel freely around Europe in a friendly, multicultural society, it became obvious that many are deluded. Multiculturalism has not worked. Make-belief is no substitute for the facts.

Remain lost many voters because of ludicrous, scaremongering claims. Sadly these are being perpetuated by ungracious losers, the Business Minister among them, with claims of, we told you the markets would 'collapse' apparently oblivious to the need to restore confidence.

I shall be profoundly sorry if I made the wrong decision in the interests of my children and grandchildren but the last thing we need is "I told you sodanquot;. The decision has been made. We are not doomed. We have an opportunity. We must grasp it and make it work.

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