Rabu, 10 Juni 2020

In thy name!

Voting                                                                                                             Source: Church in Wales

Another sorry spectacle as the queering of the Church in Wales takes a significant step forward, moving towards same sex marriage in church after the vote at the Governing Body of the Church in Wales in the name of its members.

It was difficult to tell from #govbody tweeted comments whether there was a bias among the speakers or among the tweeters but the result was conclusive as revealed in this tweet after 4 hrs or so:


#govbody while realising the breadth of views, it's a deeply painful moment for conservatives as governing body votes 76-21 in favour of moving forward to structured pastoral provision for same-sex relationships, whatever the bishops decide that is.

The bishops had already decided from the wording of their loaded statement ?It is pastorally unsustainable for the Church to make no formal provision for those in same-gender relationships.?

No doubt the complaints about persecution will continue despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary as illustrated by the vote.

Provision for faithful Anglicans not moved by the zeitgeist is still a no-go area.

There is no suggestion from the bishops that the effective excommunication of faithful Anglicans is 'pastorally unsustainable'.


Church in WalesProvincial press release graphic change already signals intent:

Source: Church in Wales

See also 'Archbishop John responds to the Governing Body's discussion today on formal provision for same sex relationships' on Facebook.

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